Five ways to improve your mindset

Five ways to improve your mindset

Five ways to improve your mindset I’ve spoken to a lot of people recently who are simply feeling a little bit flat. January is always a tough month anyway, now add to it a global pandemic which reached a significant and tragic milestone recently and it’s no wonder...
What actually is “self-care”?

What actually is “self-care”?

What actually is “Self-care”? Self-care has become a bit of a buzzword in recent years within the wellness industry. But what does it really mean, and how can it apply to you and your way of living? As mental wellbeing is becoming increasingly important...
How yoga can help ease post-lockdown anxiety

How yoga can help ease post-lockdown anxiety

How yoga can ease post-lockdown anxiety Lockdown has lifted for most areas and life has returned to a slightly different ‘normal’. Great news… But not for some. If the thought of going back to work, browsing in shops on busy high streets, or even flying away for a...
Why lockdown has been beneficial for yoga students

Why lockdown has been beneficial for yoga students

Why lockdown has been beneficial for yoga students   Whether you’re a seasoned Yogi or have always wanted to start practising, lockdown presented a different scenario in which to take a yoga class. Sure the online setup isn’t for everyone, but for a lot of people...